Moving EquipmentMoving is an exciting, but often stressful, experience. From packing boxes to securing moving equipment, even planning to move can be exhausting. The more planning that goes into your move, the easier the execution can be. One of the first items on your to-do list is reserving a moving truck. Let 5 Star Truck Rental help check that item off the list. With moving trucks and van rentals, we’ve got the moving equipment and vehicles you need to get the job done fast.

Now that you’ve secured your moving truck, it’s time to mentally prepare for the next step – moving day. Never driven a box truck before? No sweat! We’ve got some tips to easily navigate the road in a box truck. 

3 Tips for Driving a Box Truck

1. Recruit Your Moving Team 

Every bit of planning pays off when you’re in a stressful environment. Take the time to plan your route and timeline. Strength in numbers is never truer than on moving day. Recruit some buddies so that many hands make light work. 

2. Familiarize Yourself with a Box TruckBox Truck for Moving

Most of us are comfortable driving an SUV or sedan, but it’s a whole other experience driving a box truck. Don’t wait until moving day to think about safe driving in an unfamiliar vehicle. Measure the truck to understand its height, length, and width parameters. Adjust mirrors and seating position so you’re safe and comfortable in the driver’s seat.

3. Practice

Before you hit the road, practice in the parking lot. Basic driving skills like stopping, turning, and reversing are different in a box truck. Larger vehicles take longer to start and stop. Plan for wider turns to avoid cutting corners too closely.

The last thing you need is added stress on moving day. Planning and recruiting a moving team with the right moving equipment can help the process go smoothly. Set yourself up for moving day success in the Los Angeles area with a box truck rental from 5 Star Truck Rental by calling (818) 767-8816.

Harris, Alexander. “5 tips for driving a moving truck.” Web blog post. The SpareFoot Blog. SpareFoot, 8 Aug. 2013. Web. 3 Sept. 2017.